Kampung Batik Trusmi is an industrial center in Cirebon batik as well as culinary attractions. The village is located in Plered, Cirebon, about four kilometers west of the city of Cirebon. Trusmi batik artisans in the village and surrounding areas, such as villages Gamel, Kaliwulu, Wotgali, and Kalitengah, numbering more than 3000 workers.

         Stories Trusmi batik village comes from the role of Ki Gede Trusmi [citation needed]. One of the faithful followers of Sunan Gunung Jati teaches the art of batik while spreading Islam. Until now, the tomb of Ki Gede well-preserved, annually conducted fairly solemn ceremony, ceremonial Change Welit (grass roof) and Replace shingles every four years. Along the main road is 1.5 km from the village Trusmi to Panembahan, today many of us have encountered dozens of batik showroom. Various nameplate showroom lined look adorn every building on the edge of the road. The emergence of various showroom is not separated from the high public interest, especially from outside the city to begin showroom Cirebon batik from batik to online shop

Batik Trusmi
Motif Batik Mega Overcast

Batik batik Trusmi managed to become an icon in the collection of the national fabric. Batik Cirebon batik itself belonged to the Coast, but also partly included in the group of Cirebon batik batik palace. This is because Cirebon has two palace is keratonan Kasepuhan and Kanoman, which is supposedly based on the history of the two palaces have appeared several batik designs Cirebonan Classic, which until now is still done by some villagers Trusmi among them such as Mega Overcast, Paksinaga Liman, Patran Keris , Patran Kale, Lion Umbrella, Singa Barong, Banjar Balong, Ayam Alas,
Sawat bride, Katewono, Mount Giwur, Simbar Menjangan, Simbar Kendo, and others.

        For those of you who are interested in the collection of batik made in Indonesia that you must have one too, and we can help you to buy it, please contact us via e mail: or via this blog. thank you Bagi anda yang berminat untuk koleksi batik butan Indonesia yang satu wajib anda miliki juga, dan kami bisa bantu anda untuk membelinya ,silahkan hubungi kami melalui e mail : atau melalui blog ini . Terima kasih .

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