Cirebon city lies in 108º33 East longitude and 6º41 South latitude on the northern coast of Java Island, the eastern part of West Java, stretching from west to east ± 11 km with elevation from sea level ± 5 M (including the lowlands). Cirebon city can be reached by road as far as 130 km from the city of Bandung and 258 km from the city of Jakarta.
Cirebon city is situated at a strategic location and into a knot transportation movement between West Java and Central Java. It lies on the coastal areas make the city of Cirebon have plain areas wider than the foothill region. Size Cirebon City is 3735.82 hectares or ± 37 km2 with the dominant land use for housing (32%) and agricultural land (38%).
Municipality of Cirebon region bounded by:
North: River Kedung Pane
West: S. Flood Canal / Cirebon
South: River Kalidjaga
East: Java Sea
Most of the territory is lowland with an altitude between 0-2000 asl, while the slope between 0-3% 0-40% which is an area of the city berkarateristik, 3-25% and 25-40% transmission area is the periphery.
There are four (4) pieces fairly large rivers, namely:
Kedung river Pane
river Sukalila
river Kesunean
river Kalidjaga
Groundwater conditions somewhat affected by sea water intrusion and relatively shallow.
Cirebon city is lowland with an altitude varying between 0-150 meters above sea level. Based on the percentage of the slope, the area of Cirebon city can be classified as follows:
tilt 0-3% spread in most areas of the city of Cirebon, but most of the District Harjamukti.
The slope of 3-8% spread in most areas of the Village Kalijaga, a small portion Harjamukti Village, District Harjamukti.
The slope of 8-15% spread in some areas Argasurya village, district Harjamukti.
The slope of 15-25% spread in the village Argasurya, Harjamukti districts.
Cirebon city included in a tropical climate with average air temperature of 28 ° C. Air humidity ranges between ± 48-93% with the highest humidity occurs in January-March and the lowest number occurred in June-August.
The average annual rainfall in the city of Cirebon ± 2260 mm / year with the number of rainy days ± 155 days. Based on Schmidt-Ferguson climate classification, the climate in the city of Cirebon included in the climate type C with a Q value ± 37.5% (percentage between the months of dry and wet months). Falls in the rainy season from October to April, and the dry season fell in June to September.
According to the Manuscript Purwaka Caruban Nagari, in the fourteenth century in the Java Sea coast there is a small fishing village called Muara Jati. At that time many foreign ships came to trade with the locals. Governing port is Ki Gedeng Alang-Alang appointed by the ruler of the kingdom of Galuh (Padjadjaran). And in this port also seen growing Islamic activity. Ki Gedeng Alang-Alang move the settlements into a new settlement in Lemahwungkuk, 5 km south approaching the foot of the hill leading to the kingdom Galuh. As head of the new settlement was appointed Ki Gedeng Reeds with Cerbon Kuwu title. In further developments, the Prince Walangsungsang, son Prabu Siliwangi appointed as Duke of Cirebon with Cakrabumi degree. This prince who founded the Kingdom of Cirebon, preceded by not sending a tribute to the King Galuh. By King Galuh answered by sending armies to subdue Duke Cirebon For Cirebon, Cirebon Duke but it was too strong for the King Galuh so he came out as the winner.
Thus a new kingdom in Cirebon stood with King holds Cakrabuana. Diawalinya marks the founding of the kingdom Cirebon Cirebon Islamic kingdom with the port of Muara Jati whose activities have progressed to the Southeast Asian region.
Year period from 1270 to 1910.
In the thirteenth century the city of Cirebon marked by traditional still life and in 1479 developed rapidly into a center of distribution and the Kingdom of Islam especially in the Java Barat.c Then after the Dutch colonizers came in, built a network of highways and railway land thus affecting the development of industry and trade ,
Year Period 1910-1937
In this period the city of Cirebon dishkan become Gemeente Cheirebon with an area of 1,100 hectares and a population of 20,000 inhabitants (Stlb. 1906 No. 122 and Stlb. 1926 No. 370).
Year Period 1937-1967
In 1942 the city of Cirebon expanded to 2,450 hectares and in 1957 became the municipal government status with an area of 3,300 hectares, after settling into a municipality in 1965 the total area to 3,600 hectares.
Period 1967-Present
Cirebon City area until now an area of 3735.82 hectares. Divided into five districts and 22 villages
Based on the characteristics of the city, the opportunities and challenges that will be faced in the future Cirebon, Local Government together all components of the society and other development actors agreed to develop into a town of Cirebon City Trade and Services. The formulation of this agreement set out in accordance with the vision of Cirebon City Regional Regulation No. I of 2004 on the Strategic Plan for the city of Cirebon 2004-2008, namely:
"Cirebon become the City of Trade and Services The Advanced Year 2008"
To realize this vision, ditetapkanlan eight missions, namely:
Improving the quality of human resources is based on the values of faith and devotion to God Almighty and others sublime culture of the nation.
Improving the professionalism of personnel and institutional revitalization of city government effective and efficient manuju good governance and free from corruption, collusion and nepotism.
Improve security and public order.
Optimizing the utilization of urban space and the preservation of environmental balance.
Improving the quality and quantity of services infrastructure and facilities as well as the economic productivity of highly competitive economy.
Preserve and develop tourism that relies on traditional values and culture of Cirebon.
Empowerment and increased community participation in development.
Increased partnerships and optimization of government cooperation with other institutions both local, regional, national and international. Furthermore, to better operationalize and translate the mission into more detailed statement, it should be outlined in the policy direction and program priorities.
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