Goa Sunyaragi Cirebon
Cirebon city known as the guardian of the city is a city that this requirement will be a relic of history. One of the relics found in the city of Cirebon is Sunyaragi Cave is similar to the building of the temple. Besides Cave Sunyaragi called by the name, the legacy is often called Sunyaragi Water Park or Taman Sari Sunyaragi. The name "Sunyaragi" itself comes from the word "sunya" which means deserted, and the word "leaven" which means the body, both Sanskrit. Sunyaragi cave is located in the Village Sunyaragi, Kesambi, Cirebon, or rather on the side of the road by pass Brig Dharsono.
Caves Sunyaragi built on land with an area of approximately 15 hectares. Construction and building composition is a water park. Therefore Cave Sunyaragi also called Water Parks Sunyaragi. In ancient times the cave complex is surrounded by a lake, the lake Jati. Locations where formerly there Teak lake is now dry and is traversed by the road by pass Brig Dharsono, Situngkul river, the location of Gas Power Plant Sunyaragi PLN, rice fields and partly into settlements. In addition, in the compound of the cave there are many man-made waterfall as an ornamental, and garden ornaments such as elephant statue, the statue of the Virgin Sunti Women, as well as the statue of Garuda and the Serpent. Sunyaragi Cave is one part of the palace Pakungwati, which is now called the Palace Kasepuhan.
Sunyaragi cave complex is divided into two parts, namely the guesthouse and building caves. Part pesanggrahan equipped with a foyer, bedroom, bathroom, dressing room, prayer room and is surrounded by a garden complete with pond. Building shaped mountain caves-mountains, equipped with connecting tunnels and underground waterways. The exterior of the complex patterned rocks and clouds. The outer gate of the temple-shaped door briefly and shape them paduraksa.
Sunyaragi main purpose of building cave as a place for rest and meditation Cirebon the Sultan and his family.
In the history of its development, there are two versions, the first is the news about the oral history of the cave Sunyaragi delivered by the hereditary nobility or hereditary Cirebon keratin, the version is better known as Kanda Carub version. The second version is the version Caruban Nagari, the version which is based on the book "Purwaka Caruban Nagari" which was written by the hands of Prince Kararangen in 1720 AD But the history of the cave Sunyaragi Caruban version Nagari based sources tertulislah used as a reference for tourist guides Sunyaragi cave that is in 1703 AD to explain the history of the cave Sunyaragi, because the written sources is more strong evidence rather than oral sources. Complex Sunyaragi born through an extremely long process. This place several times a remodeled and improved.
According to the book Purwaka Carabuna Nagari of Prince Arya Carbon paper, Sunyaragi Cave Castle was built in 1703 AD by Prince Kararangen (Prince Kararangen is another name of Prince Arya Carbon). But according to Caruban Kandha and some notes of Kasepuhan Palace, Castle built for pesanggrahan "Nur Sapta Giri Rengga" changed into the burial place of kings Cirebon, now known as Astana Gunung Jati. Primarily associated with the expansion of Kraton Pakungwati (now Palace Kasepuhan) that occurred in 1529 AD, with the construction of the wall around the palace, Siti Inggil and others. As the data comparison, Siti Inggil built with marked candra sengkala "Fortress Tinataan Bata" which refers to the numbers in 1529 AD In the Castle Cave Sunyaragi Candrasengkala there is a park called "Park Bujengin Obahing Earth" which refers to the numbers in 1529. In second place was also there are similarities, that there is an archway "Temple Bentar" equal shape and penggarapannya. While Prince Kararangen only build complex cave Arga Jumut and Mande Packaging alone.
Judging from the style or patterns and motifs appear as well as patterns of building a diverse it can be concluded that the architectural style Sunyaragi Cave is the result of a blend of Indonesian style classic or Hindu, Chinese style or the ancient Chinese, Middle Eastern style or Islam, and European style.
Classic Indonesian style or Hindu can be seen in some joglo shaped building. For example, in buildings Bale Kambang, Mande Beling Guest Houses and buildings, forms an archway and several pieces of sculpture such as the statue of the elephant-headed eagle and a human statue entwined by a serpent. The entire existing building ornament indicates a strong cultural syncretism from different world. However, generally affected by Indonesia Classical architectural style or Hindu.
Chinese style seen in carvings of flowers such as sunflowers and shape of a lotus flower. In some places, the first cave is decorated with various ornaments Sunyaragi Chinese ceramics on the outside. Ceramics are long lost or damaged so it is unknown coraknya definite. Placement on the building ceramics Mande Beling and motif mega cloudy as the building complex Jumut Arga cave shows that the cave Sunyaragi gain influence Chinese architectural styles. There are also Chinese grave, the grave is not the grave of a person of Chinese descent but rather a kind of monument that serves as a place of prayer the descendants escort-escort and guards Chinese princess named Ong Tien Nio or Queen Rara Sumanding who is the wife of Sunan Gunung Jati.
As a relic of the palace, led by the Muslim Sultan, Cave Sunyaragi equipped by the patterns of Islamic architecture or the Middle East. For example, the recesses in the walls of some buildings, signs qibla in each pasalatan or mosque, the presence of several pawudlon or ablution and shape of the building which resembles the shape of Ward Jinem Kabah when viewed from the rear side of Ward Jinem. It explains that the architectural style Sunyaragi Cave also influences from the Middle East or Islam.
Caves Sunyaragi established in the Dutch colonial era that the architectural style of the Dutch or European architectural styles also affect Sunyaragi cave. The sign can be seen in the form which is attached to the window on the building Kaputren, forms the spiral stairs on Arga cave pesanggrahan Jumut and shape of the building.
Visually, the buildings in the complex Cave Sunyaragi more sacred to create an impression. The impression can be seen with their sacred place for meditation as the caves and cave Kelangenan Ati Padang, a place of prayer and pawudon or place for ablutions, the hallway leading to the Arab and China located in the cave complex Jumut Arga; and the hallway leading to Gunung Jati in the cave complex Peteng. In front of the cave entrance is a statue of the Virgin Sunti Peteng. According to local legend, if a girl holding the statue then it will be difficult to get a mate. Sacred impression appears also in the form of a building that resembles Ward Jinem Kabah form when viewed from the rear side of Ward Jinem. There are also sculptures Haji Balela that resembles a statue of Lord Vishnu.
In 1997 the management of the cave Sunyaragi submitted by the government to the palace Kasepuhan. This greatly affects the physical condition of the cave Sunyaragi. Lack of maintenance costs led to the location of the Cave Sunyaragi long travel time more and more lie fallow.
Although changing function according to the will of the rulers of his day, an outline of Sunyaragi Cave is where the officials of the palace and the soldiers imprisoned, to improve science kanuragan. The parts consist of 12, among others:
1. Bangsal Jinem
Jinem ward is a place where the past Sultan Kasepuhan give discourses to his followers. In this place also soldiers Kasepuhan palace kanuragan practicing science is supervised directly by the Sultan himself.
2. Goa pengawal / Cave bodyguard
Guards cave as well as the name suggests is a special place intended for the Sultan Guards rest. This is where the sultan Guards gathered in the past and at the same time alert when a guard Sultan that they received threats.
3. Kompleks Mande Kemasan / Complex Mande Packaging
Mande complex packaging have now been destroyed in the past serves as a deposit of various weapons palace
4. Gua Pandekemasang / Cave Pandekemasang
Pandekemasang cave is a place devoted to making various types of weapons for the purpose of fighting against the enemies of the palace. At this point the masters and palace officials often gathered to plan any weapon should be made to defend the palace from outside threats. Because of the importance of this region in the past made a sharp weapon always gets guard of the palace guards.
5. Gua Simanyang / Cave Simanyang
Simanyang cave is a cave that was in front of the water park area Sunyaragi considering its function as checkpoints and the vanguard of the threat of the outside world.
6. Gua Langse / the cave
The cave is a place that is specifically intended to the king and queen relax. Since the place is only intended for a king and queen then this is the only place that made so beautiful that the king when entering this place can feel very comfortable and forget for a moment kepenatannya reign
7. Gua Peteng / Cave Peteng
As the name suggests Gua Gua Dark Peteng which means, in this place is not provided at all illumination and indeed functioned as Nyepi to get immunity and so on.
8. Gua Arga Jumud / Cave Arga old-fashioned
Arga cave old-fashioned function is similar to the cave, only to cave Arga difference is devoted to the old-fashioned palace officials both when relaxing or when holding meetings in a few important matters related palace
9. Gua Padang Ati / Cave Ati Padang
Ati Padang cave is a cave that serves to meditate in order to have tolerance, sincerity and intelligence as referred to by the name of the cave itself is ati which means bright meadow hearts.
10. Gua Kelanggengan / permanence Caves
Caves permanence is a place of meditation in order to get the permanence of office.
11. Gua Lawa / Goa Lawa
Goa Lawah bat is a special place. Aside from being a special place the bat, we have not received information regarding other uses of this cave. Maybe there among readers know?
12. Gua Pawon / Gua Pawon
As its name which in Cirebon means my kitchen then this is a kitchen for making and storing food.
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